Sunday, December 9, 2012

week 32 update

Week 32 was the start of my non stress tests. Two a week. Ive had four so far and they have all been great. Isaac seems to be behaving and not making any trouble, which is a bit unusual for him.

My anxiety did seem to start in week 32 and has only increased since but my energy level seemed to be good as I started obsessing a bit about the cleanliness and organization of the house.

Other than that week 32 was pretty boring, I guess it was preparation for a not so boring week 33.

It was unusually warm for Pa so we decided to take a belly picture outside. I would say that I definitely started to pop. My belly button has officially become an outie.

Week 32's drawing is of me getting my non stress test. The size of the baby was said to be that of a jicama. Once again, something that I have never heard of or seen but I guess they are in the potato family. I don't know. Either way, Isaac is getting bigger everyday for sure.

I have really started to enjoy his funny movements and trying to determine what body part is protruding from my belly. I try to get videos of his shenanigans but as soon as I reach for my phone, he stops. I will be sure to post a video as soon as he let me catch him in the action.

1 comment:

  1. I want you to know that I am following you and praying for you. We lost our daughter Medeline at 21 weeks this past February due to a placental abruption. I am hoping for you and your husband, wishing you every happiness with Isaac. We have a 4 year old son, Jonah. He has helped us survive, given us a reason to find joy again. And as I watch your pregnancy continue successfully with Isaac I feel so much hope. Thank you for sharing, for being honest. The emotions you have after losing a child are deep and often ugly. When we share it helps us feel comforted that we aren't alone. With best wishes, Charlotte
