Tuesday, September 18, 2012

October 15th

Hi folks. I have been so busy and lost track of time. October 15th is coming up on us fast. Pregnancy and infant loss awareness day. Last year we did a small balloon release and a bigger one on Brody's due date. October 29th.

This year, I would want to switch that around a bit and do the bigger event on October 15th.

I was waiting for an idea just to hit me and it was taking longer than I had expected but today, there it was, light a light bulb. A candle lighting ceremony.

I had just come across tons of tea lights in my basement and wondered what I was going to do with them. I have decided to light a candle and place it on an index card with the baby's name on it. Like all my events, I will include miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss.

I'm sorry for the short notice, but please do not hesitate to contact me.


As always, I will be taking pictures and have a special post for the ceremony. Thanks everyone.

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