Friday, March 29, 2013

from blue to greenish

I just wanted to share my new blog with everyone. I hope that if you are interested in natural products, baby products, cloth diapering, crafts....Oh I can go on and on. I just hope that you will check out the new blog and share with your friends. These are things that I love talking about and would love to hear from others who love to talk about them too.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Month 2

Does anyone else think it is incredible that I have a 2 month old? Adam is probably sick of me saying "I can't believe he is ours"or "can you believe I gave birth to him"?

Issac is getting so big and so alert. Ha, what a face!
He is truly the goofy but wise beyond his years boy that I have always dreamt of having. He is really into listening to music which makes me so happy and proud. He loves being read to and talked to like an adult. He looks at you like your crazy if you use "the baby talk voice".
The smiling is just too much. He giggles in his sleep which leads me to the conclusion that he must be playing with his brother in his dreams. Ah, but he also whimpers in his sleep, which sadly makes me think he knows he has to come back to reality and Brody stays in his dreams. Don't worry Isaac, it makes mommy just as sad.

I'm totally grasping why they call babies after a loss a rainbow baby. They certainly don't make you forget about the destruction of the storm but seeing that beautiful rainbow does ease the pure agony that it brought forth.

As for the product or item that we couldn't live without. There might be too many to talk about. Pandora has sure saved us a few times. Gripe water really helps soothe his belly issues. Sadly, he got his mommy's belly. He already grew out of his Woombie because he is super long but we have moved on to the Halo Sleep Sack. I don't love it as much as the woombie but it does the job.

Also, we have discovered a bath in lavender essential oils is pretty much a miracle. God sent, nothing shorter.

One more thing. I will be starting a new blog soon. From Blue to Greenish. I hope you all will follow. Since giving birth, my body has done a total shift. I pretty much started getting hives from everything from my make-up to soap so I decided to go "green". I started making a few things on my own and also buying organic and natural items as well.

When I started cloth diapering, I wanted to do it because I knew it was better for Isaac but mostly because they were so darn cute but now it has lead me from being very sad and blue about Brody to being a Greenish mommy for Isaac. I will keep everyone updated on when the blog will go live. Thanx all!